Hardly prophetic! Sorry, but nothing the WT says is ever of any use.
Mental health warning: Watching JW org information can result in damage to your brain.
i haven't posted for quite awhile, just usually lurk, but thought surely someone would have noticed this on jw.org.
this was under the article about distractions.
i clicked on the article and below is the "accurate" prediction that the wt made back in 1958. this has to prove they have jehovah's backing, don't you think?
Hardly prophetic! Sorry, but nothing the WT says is ever of any use.
Mental health warning: Watching JW org information can result in damage to your brain.
when one connects the dots it's very intriguing.
i don't have all the details or in order but here's just some of the events.
2008 global financial melt down.
I think the trend as seen most carefully by those who watch them closely (us)...is that they have peaked and are now on a decline.
Everything is against them:
1/ Apparent serious and long-term cash-flow crisis.
2/ The general decline in Christian belief in the West and a tendency towards a private, personal spirituality.
3/ Their loss of income from their historical source of revenue namely printing.
4/ The openness and transparency of internet information which easily exposes cultic behaviour especially to newly contacted people.
5/ Negative publicity regarding child abuse cases and their attempt to keep their name clean at the expense of, and with total indifference to the welfare for the abused.
6/ The total failure of their most cherished eighty year long hope in the arrival of Armageddon within the life- span of the generation who saw 1914.
7/ The attempt to explain away their failure of the 1914 generation doctrine with their ludicrous "overlapping generations".
8/ The increasing loss of faith in the decisions of the GB resulting in a reluctance to contribute financially or by deserting the organisation completely.
(Please add if you can think of other ideas or better ones).
i have some feeling about the am2015 leak and the recent building stop story going arround.. it wouldn't surprise me that the information is a calculated leak.. - jw's are informal informed about the changes and adopt them informal.. - the building stop influences the concience of jw's for donating more money.. at the other hand, maybe there has occured a financial disaster for example they invested bilions in volkswagen.. gorby.
I have an inkling that they are already preparing for functioning fully on a commercial model rather than a charitable status.
A KH attendee friend of mine (a JW but non-believer) heard from the platform in the UK that in future new congregations will start out as non-charitable, tax paying enterprises! The approved new designs for KHs certainly look like unlovely, utilitarian commercial "units" rather than traditional places for worship.
Doomsday cults have built into them a limited shelf life, one way for their puppeteers to keep possession of the the money would be to morph into a more honest commercial business such as property development and as the true believers fall away, eventually ditch the religious nonsense. What would they care as long as they controlled the cash?
A paradigm for this would be in the fall of communism in Soviet Russia; it was the old party leaders and their friends who became the fabulously wealthy oligarchs in their new sham democracy.
in view of the recent financial pressures being spun as opportunities to hasten armageddon, i think we should look again at the meaning behind their cultic warning of "all must be ready to obey intructions, whether appearing sound or not".
by dripping these creepy injunctions into the watchtower study and therefore into the conditioned and receptive mind of the jw, how long will it be before they are able to decree something like this?......
jw tv broadcast july 2017.
I'm with you Finky baby! and I'm wondering whether some of the elite are waking up too...
But still, where is it now leading?
will the branch send out a letter to address appropriate attire for the worldwide graduation from .
"the school that no one ever graduates from"?.
i have been thinking of the endless ways this new direction for the tms termination screams for criticism.. i am sure a quick publication search will reveal several references gushing at how great of an invention the tms was, how it has benefitted jw's, you know, gush, gush, greatest thing since sliced bread, blah, blah, blah.... i'm not interesting in looking at the moment, but wasn't knorr credited with its invention and rollout?.
in view of the recent financial pressures being spun as opportunities to hasten armageddon, i think we should look again at the meaning behind their cultic warning of "all must be ready to obey intructions, whether appearing sound or not".
by dripping these creepy injunctions into the watchtower study and therefore into the conditioned and receptive mind of the jw, how long will it be before they are able to decree something like this?......
jw tv broadcast july 2017.
In view of the recent financial pressures being spun as opportunities to hasten Armageddon, I think we should look again at the meaning behind their cultic warning of "all must be ready to obey intructions, whether appearing sound or not".
By dripping these creepy injunctions into the Watchtower study and therefore into the conditioned and receptive mind of the JW, how long will it be before they are able to decree something like this?.....
JW TV broadcast July 2017
“The time has come when all of us will have our loyalty put to the test. The Faithful Slave has lovingly given warning in advance that all of us must be ready to obey ANY instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. All servants of Jehovah will be required to have our loyalty put to the test. Now is that time.
In view of the unusual events heaped upon us by Jehovah’s enemies, the Faithful Slave, who have never failed in their theocratic duty to supply the timely needs of Jehovah’s faithful sheep, is instructing all members of all the world-wide Bethel families to go to their rooms and partake of the contents of the phial each will be given. In view of the extreme spiritual urgency of the times and the knowledge that total obedience is the hallmark of those who will gain Jehovah’s true and ultimate blessing of everlasting life, we are requesting that at seven o’clock GMT, world-wide, after prayers from the committee, you will all partake...”
I could have added the same demand for all publishers to meet at the KH simultaneously world wide to the same end...
This would be a grotesque conclusion... then just why are the GB preparing the minds of the believers to such a paranoid pitch? What would absolute control over their flock do for them? Surely not just for the idle pleasure of exercising absolute power? Where and what could it be leading to?
when the org implements its bethelite "genocide" and demotes many members of the "worldwide order of special full-time servants of jehovahs witnesses" into lowly regular pioneers, many more trollies will have to be found in order for such ones to rack up their required monthly hours.. how many are actually going to be shocked by this into waking up?
actual in-house accounts (as opposed to the official ones) having been read out.
the chair:.
...so there we have it brothers, were up shit creek!
Actual in-house accounts (as opposed to the
official ones) having been read out
The chair:
...So there we have it Brothers, we’re up shit creek! This is affecting my (expletive) nerves. Even with all our (expletive) assets and income, the bank has emphatically said, “No more credit”. I’m beginning to think that Jehovah has (expletive) forgotten us! What was it that brother Russell said that when the money ran out that would be the time to stop publishing? I really think we should give this some (expletive) serious thought this morning. First off we gotta stop spending money on fancy things like catering and laundry and get rid of the lower orders in Bethel. Next off, stop all construction projects except our own lakeside retirement village upstate. Stuff the British branch just tell ’em no more money and they can make do on what they’ve got. Sell off the fancy translation houses, that’ll bring in some cash.
If only the brothers would do what we say and (expletive) obey, we wouldn’t be in this fix and they would keep sending in the money. Brothers, just why is it we are in this (expletive) situation?
Bro GB member: It’s the rank and file not sending in the (expletive) money.
Other GB member: I reckon it’s because the brothers are beginning to have twigged what we are up to.
Chair: You know I don’t want any of this to get out but I think we are all coming to the same (expletive) conclusion; “our thing” (cosa nostra in Italian) looks like it‘s had its day here. We can’t keep the end of the world as a credible proposition for forever, the time comes when in this particular business...and God knows it’s a good business... with ‘good’ people...but I think now is the right time to diversify... and get the (expletive) cash into the right accounts before it's too late!
in my mind i see this as a very real situation developing rapidly world wide as these child molestation pay out become public knowledge and can no longer be denied or kept secret from the r&f.
pretty soon the governing body will be the but of many jokes at headquarters and abroad.
they are being caught red handed while robbing the cookie jar.
The JW organisation is by nature revolting!
The problem is that the suckers who support it are indoctrinated each week of their lives to be blindly loyal and not to revolt.
i took the most recent video on "obey" and edited it down to its core.
here tony explains that the decisions of the faithful slave are arrived at "collectively" but are not a "collection" of man made decisions.
it would be comical if it weren't so sad.. tony video.
The fact of the matter is that Big J is not the slightest bit interested in the GB.
There can be no explanation of the method of communication between the two because it's a fiction to start with... and as for them not being chosen yet, what a lark! For not only they are not chosen but the role of the GB has been demoted to just a "theological construct" (or very similar term) according to their busy lawyers a couple of years back, so as to make them untouchable as far as fraud and blame in court cases.
With the bizarre body language of Tight pants Tony who now is looking and acting like a terminal depressive and burdened by the financial problems--- I like what Virgochik suggests; that they are becoming atheists! In practice this could be that one or two of them are waking up to TTATT.
That would be fun.